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Please take a moment to review the rules below and have a wonderful time exploring all that our Titletown has to offer.

Open daily from 7 a.m.-10 p.m.

Packers Athletic Club
5 a.m.-10 p.m.
6 a.m.-8 p.m.

Shopko Optical Playground
Closed for the season

Titletown Football Field
8 a.m.-9 p.m.
You Are Welcome To...
- use all the open spaces.
- enjoy the landscaping without entering planted areas or picking flowers.
- enjoy Ariens Hill, the rink and playground unless you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
- park your bike on the racks provided.
- book your group event of 10 or more people. Please email for more information.
- use park furniture and equipment as intended.
Titletown Guidelines Prohibit...
- carrying firearms or weapons on this property.
- drug use, smoking and use of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
- pets in playground, field and all landscaping. Pets must be leashed, kept from watering landscaping and cleaned up after.
- cycling, skating, rollerblading, skateboarding or scooters on premises (with the exception of motorized ADA equipment).
- entering the park after hours posted, except to patronize Titletown businesses (eateries, shopping, etc.) or attend a Titletown special event.
- carry-in of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol use is prohibited in playground, field and outside of designated areas.
- organized sports activities, except by permit.
- amplified music, performances or commercial activity, except by permit.
- carry in of outside food, including use of coolers, picnic baskets and glass containers, except by permit.
- barbequing or cooking.
- erecting tents or other structures, except by permit.
- inserting flags or poles of any kind into the ground.
- throwing snowballs.
- disorderly conduct, obscene and indecent acts and abusive behavior or language.
- defying directions from park staff.
- feeding wildlife.
- sitting or standing on fences, railings, walls, goal posts or other fixtures.
- drones.
Football Field
At Titletown, the football field is free to use and open to the public to share. The rules below help preserve the quality of the Titletown turf and provide a clean and healthy environment for all guests. Titletown guidelines prohibit the following activities or items on the football field:
- Organized group activities, team practices, personal training and recurring pick-up games
- Animals
- Food or beverages (only exception is water)
- Alcoholic drinks or tobacco products
- Gum or sunflower seeds
- Glass bottles or containers
- Metal cleats or shoe spikes longer than one-half inch
- Golfing, shot putting, javelin, discus throwing, baseball, softballor lacrosse
- Contact sports
- Paint, chalk, tape or other adhesive material
- Stakes, spikes or other pointed objects
- Chairs (on concrete only)
- Tents or canopies
- Motorized vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, scooters or roller/in-line skates
All Minors should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Titletown will not be responsible for minors who are not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Any conduct that is not specifically noted is prohibited in Titletown if it interferes with, or disrupts other visitors peaceful enjoyment of a performance or amenity, endangers public health, safety, may damage property, or is prohibited by applicable Federal, State or Village laws.
Subject To Search
Patrons of Titletown and their belongings are subject to search. Titletown is private property and security will enforce all rules. Use of the park at Titletown is at your own risk.
Titletown patrons and their belongings are subject to search. Security enforces all rules on this private property. Park usage is at your own risk. Titletown may close for events, maintenance or inclement weather. Prohibited conduct includes interference with others' enjoyment, endangering public safety, property damage or violation of laws.